Verb Forms Of Exhilarating

Verb Forms Of Exhilarating

excite, animate, stimulate, inspire, enliven, hearten, galvanise, galvanize, inspirit, envigorate, invigorate, gladden, energise, energize, uplift, elate, thrill, cheer, electrify, delight, vitalize, intoxicate, quicken, brighten, buoy, refresh, revitalise, revitalize, boost, enrapture, elevate, charge, lift, transport, titillate, rejoice, send, commove, exalt, juice, pep, cheer up, pep up, perk up, turn on, pump up, pick up, give someone a kick, give a buzz, give someone a charge .

Conjugate exhilarate English verb: past tense, participle, present perfect, present continuous, past perfect, gerund. Translate exhilarate in context and see exhilarate definition. ©2021 Reverso-Softissimo.

English Verb Conjugation … regular model: work verbs ending in -e: like. like – model verb ? Regular verbs ending with a silent -e: remove the final -e before adding -ed or -ing. Variants of the regular models: … have been exhilarating : you: have been exhilarating : he, she, it: has been exhilarating : we:, exhilarate somebody to make somebody feel very happy and excited. Speed had always exhilarated him. mid 16th cent.: from Latin exhilarat- ‘made cheerful’, from the verb exhilarare, from ex- (expressing inducement of a state) + hilaris ‘cheerful’.

Exhilarating is the adjective form of the verb exhilarate, which most commonly means to enliven, invigorate, or stimulate. Exhilarating is most often used as an adjective, but it can also be used as the continuous tense (- ing form) of the verb, as in These attractions will be exhilarating .

‘to exhilarate’ conjugation – English verbs conjugated in all tenses with the verb conjugator. arrow_drop_down. – Online dictionaries, vocabulary, … will have been exhilarating . you. will have been exhilarating . he/she/it. will have been exhilarating . we.

Conjugation of Exhilarate. Simple / Indefinite Present Tense. He/She/It exhilarates . I exhilarate. You/We/They exhilarate. Present Continuous Tense. He/She/It is exhilarating. I am exhilarating. You/We/They are exhilarating.

Definition and synonyms of exhilarate from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education.. This is the British English definition of exhilarate .View American English definition of exhilarate .. Change your default dictionary to American English.

The definition of exhilarating is something exciting or something that makes you feel ex… Dictionary ! Menu … verb . 1. 0. Refreshingly thrilling. adjective. 1. 0. Causing exhilaration invigorating. adjective. 0. 1. … even exhilarating – but the extremes of temperature lead to the development of fever in very severe forms . On the whole it …
